Humans are aiming, aspirational creatures. We’re hard-wired by biology and evolution to set and achieve goals. It’s how we build identity, forge meaning, and find significance in our lives.
This is why so many of us have a nagging sense that we were born to be and do more and better with our lives than what was taught to us in school or is expected of us on the job.
At some point, some of us decide to hop off the hamster wheel of “the pursuit of happiness” and follow the path to purpose instead.1
But the path to purpose is fraught.
We don’t receive much training or encouragement to “know thyself” in school or on the job. Sure, there’s plenty of well-intended advice about how to find your purpose. But most don’t align with time-tested ancient spiritual and philosophical traditions and scientifically vetted modern psychology and neuroscience.
What to do?
I find the path to purpose is as unique and distinctive as every individual’s purpose. There’s no roadmap that everyone can follow. After all, roadmaps can only take you where others are going (or want you to go).
You need a process that encourages you to build a compass and encourages you to use it to wayfind to your unique destination.
But where do you begin?
I use a few approaches to help clients decide the difference only they can make in their life’s next chapter that helps them cultivate greater clarity and confidence as they continue.
Since many people who read things like this already have some idea of their purpose, we begin with a purpose refinement process. If you need help getting started dialing in your purpose, I follow up with additional processes to help.
(Be sure to check out the video replay of members of the Creative on Purpose Substack VIP community discussing additional principles and how to apply them.)
Ready? Let’s go.