Creative on Purpose
Creative on Purpose
Solopreneur Success Tip: The Rearview Mirror

Solopreneur Success Tip: The Rearview Mirror

Close the Gap Series: Episode 2

I’m writing a solopreneur success handbook, Close the Gap: Build a Fulfilling Part-Time Business That Funds & Fits Your Ideal Lifestyle.

This is a “Build a Book in Public” project. I’m sharing chapters with Creative on Purpose Substack subscribers and workshopping the principles and process with a small group of clients on weekly coaching calls.

This is the second in a series of episodes where clients discuss the impact of the Close the Gap principles and practices on helping them achieve their business priorities with greater ease and velocity.

In this episode, we discuss the virtues of checking the rearview mirror..

Click here if you prefer to watch the video replay.

Click here to read the article that inspired this episode.

Click here to pre-order Close the Gap.

Click here to learn about the Close the Gap 90-Day Solopreneur Success Accelerator.

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Creative on Purpose
Creative on Purpose
Conversations about making a better living and a bigger impact by defining, developing and delivering the difference only you can make.