I agree with comments already made, and loved the sharing on this topic today. Only my second call with the Catalyst community and I've gaining so much. I am contemplating the ways I may be more fractured than I realise, and I appreciate the reminder from Sandra that the wisdom is in our bodies and that by tuning in, breathing and going with what feels lighter, I will be led to the best next right step for me. Thank you!

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Powerful reflections, Alison. I agree that living and working from the inside out cultivated greater ease.

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Happy to share and nice to meet you the last couple of calls Alison!

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What came through for me in today's chat is that our presence, if we can allow it, brings us to our virtues and values without "efforting" as Scott calls it. All we need to do is get our human *&%$#@ out of the way...ha,ha,ha!

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Presence is powerful, Sandra. So is “our human *&%$#@.” It all makes for an interesting dance, for sure!

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Aug 5Liked by Scott Perry

Thank you for the discussion this morning. Everyone engaged Today with ideas being shared it was fun to show up as me and experience the result.

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The diversity and unity of perspectives was indeed interesting, Penny, for sure!

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Really awesome and thought provoking call today with the Catalyst community. I am so happy to be part of this group because I always see things from a new angle and learn something new. Today I interpreted the theme to be about being more present and authentic with our lives and our work. I often say, life is too short to work in jobs we hate. This is why I work so hard to build my businesses and share what I learn to help others build businesses they love working in too. Scott and his community align well with this goal. A movement is growing and I think started around the pandemic that people (myself included) became tired of living unaligned lives.

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I appreciate this reflection and love how you wave in the idea of alignment, Brie. I agree. Challenging times help us focus on what really matters!

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Thank you Scottperry.

Balance is an ideal, usually difficult to achive 100%.

Perhaps trying to balance work life would be one of the important virtues.

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That is an interesting way of thinking about it, Renate. Thank you for sharing that perspective!

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Aug 7Liked by Scott Perry

After one month of being in this community, I don’t know the difference from Monday, Wednesday or Friday calls. One thing I do know, is that making time to show up with this group is a little gift- I get so many little nuggets- of wisdom, of thought provoking fodder, and of just plain ‘wow’. Thank you, everyone, and to Scott for herding us.

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What a thoughtful and generous reflection, MJ. Thank you for this and all you contribute to our community conversations!

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