
Even when I miss Monday on Purpose calls, I am always thinking about what “better” looks like, and more importantly, what it feels like. Once one is immersed in Closing the Gap, these questions begin to embed themselves into the fabric of our mind, at least for me. I like noticing that ‘the next thing’ is the first thing I think about, and to be more efficient with me time, and mindful about living the life I am optimizing for- not 3,6 or 12 months from now- but now.

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Brilliant, MJ, and SO spot on. The intention of the Close the Gap process and program is to help participants make decisions better moment to moment more instinctually and with increasing ease.

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Scott - thanks for this morning's session - and the starting question"What does 'Better' look like in my business?"

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It was a(mother) great conversation, for sure, Kym, and we all really appreciated your participation and contributions. It’s so important to have enough clarity about our destination and starting point before we start trying to optimize for acceleration!

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Sep 16Liked by Scott Perry

Today's discussion at Monday on Purpose was thoughtful and supportive for those of us working through the process to success.

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Thank you for this reflection, Penny. We appreciated your participation and contributions to the conversation!

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Sep 16Liked by Scott Perry

I like how you emphasize the need for everyone to design the business and life around it to fit our unique personalities. It's what makes the process so creative and at the same time, challenging. We can't do it exactly like anyone else.

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I really appreciate this reflection and insight, Linda. I see SO many approaches to building a better business that are offering one-size-fits-all cookie-cutter technical solutions to what are highly individualized adaptive challenger to building an endeavor that is fulfilling and prosperous. Offering an alternative that begins with YOUR personality, preferences, and aspirations is definitely my intention!

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