What’s your relationship with embracing uncertainty and navigating adversity?
If you’re like me, the honest answer is, “It depends.”
We all have different temperaments and tolerances to how we respond to life’s inevitable difficulties. This is partly informed by personality, past experiences, and even genetically inherited disposition.
Social norms and the lack of autonomy and critical thinking encouraged in school and on the job also have an impact.
Regardless of how you’re wired or your environment, we all feel powerless over our plight sometimes and occasionally succumb to passivity and feeling helpless.
Today, the proliferation of negative news, social media echo chambers, and satisfaction guaranteed offers feed confirmation bias and cognitive distortions that further contribute to the learned helplessness epidemic.
What to do?
Addressing learned helplessness involves fostering a sense of control, competence, and autonomy. Here are seven ways to unlearn helplessness and start stepping into and staying in your power to get what you want in life and business.