Creative on Purpose
Creative on Purpose
Sandra Tjoa, Tai Chi & Qi Gong Teacher

Sandra Tjoa, Tai Chi & Qi Gong Teacher

Catalyst Coaching Case Study

What impact can Catalyst Coaching have on your life and business?

Sandra Tjoa, Tai Chi & Qi Gong Teacher, reflects on the impact of working with Scott.

  • About Sandra

  • Sandra's Challenge Before Hiring Scott

  • Why Sandra Chose Scott & Coaching's Impact on Her Business

  • How Sandra's Life Has Changed

  • Where Sandra Would Be If She Hadn't Invested in Herself

  • Why Book a Call With Scott Now

Learn more about Sandra and her work here.

Click here to listen to more client case studies.

Want to take a bolder step into possibility and your potential by working together?

  • Learn more about Catalyst here.

  • Learn more about Arena Catalyst here.

Prefer to watch? Here’s the video.

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Creative on Purpose
Creative on Purpose
Conversations about making a better living and a bigger impact by defining, developing and delivering the difference only you can make.